Jan Beutel - ETH Zurich
The tutorial consists of an introductory part where we introduce basic concepts of embedded wireless sensor network platforms (mote class devices) as well as a hand-on section. The introduction will introduce mote class device architectures and programming models. We will give an overview of the BTnode platform, it's hardware architecture, the BTnut system software as well as Bluetooth networking. Also we will compare the BTnut system to TinyOS. We will then proceed to the practical part where you get to know the development tools and first hands-on experience by downloading a demo application onto a BTnode and connecting to other Bluetooth devices. We will then coach you through the creation of a simple multihop sensor data gathering application based on Bluetooth Scatternets. In the afternoon you will learn how to interface a sensor network to handheld devices and use a GSM cellphone to send an SMS containing sensor data. The tutorial will conclude by demonstrating and experimenting with different methods of profiling and debugging of sensor network applications. Additionally the afternoon will leave some time for individual Q/A and exploration of the BTnut system.
People interested in learning about "real" sensor network implementations, their challenges and caveats. This tutorial does not require prior experience in embedded programming and thus is suitable for researchers from all areas, e.g. people that have not yet had (extensive) platform experience.
Basic computer skills, familiarity with a build system
(make). We suggest that participants work in pairs of two but individual
work is also possible. A BTnode developer kit will be provided for all
groups. Everyone should bring a Windows laptop with root/admin access
and a Bluetooth GSM cellphone, if possible. You will be required to
install the WinAVR tool package on your laptop. Documentation for
self-study is available on http://www.btnode.ethz.ch
Note: The tutorial is limited to 30 participants.
Jan Beutel received his MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich in 2000 and 2005 respectively. He has been with u-blox AG, Zurich and spent time as a visiting researcher at the Berkeley Wireless Research Center. He is currently working as a senior researcher with Lothar Thiele at the Computer Engineering and Networks Lab (TIK) at ETH Zurich. His research interests lie in the development, deployment and fast prototyping of sensor network applications, integrated application protocols for ad-hoc networks and local positioning algorithms. He has been lead architect of the BTnode project, a platform for fast-prototyping of ad hoc and sensor networks.