Seventh International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems
June 15 - 18, 2010 // Congress Palais // Kassel, Germany

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Conference Registration

The INSS 2010 is seperated in a workshop (June 15th) and the main conference (June 16th - 18th). On June, 16th a sightseeing program for accompanying persons (acc. pers.) will be offered during the main conference.

Early Registration Deadline: May, 21st 2010

Conference fees

Early registration (May, 21st)

Regular - no workshop EUR 400,-
Regular - incl. workshop EUR 450,-
IEEE Members - no workshop EUR 300,-
IEEE Members - incl. workshop EUR 350,-
Students - no workshop EUR 200,-
Students - incl. workshop EUR 250,-
Workshop only (June, 15th)EUR 50,-

After May, 21st

Regular - no workshop EUR 450,-
Regular - incl. workshop EUR 500,-
IEEE Members - no workshop EUR 350,-
IEEE Members - incl. workshop EUR 400,-
Students - no workshop EUR 225,-
Students - incl. workshop EUR 275,-
Workshop only (June, 15th)EUR 50,-

Social events

Conference dinner and Conference tour for acc. pers.* (June 17th) EUR 80,-
Accompanying person's sightseeing program* (June 16th) EUR 80,-

* For details see Conference Venue.

All fees incl. taxes. The participants fees (not acc. persons fees) includes the conference proceedings, conference tour, conference dinner, coffee breaks and lunch.

Allow me to call your attention to the fact that each person who is giving a presentation or presenting a poster or demo has to pay the general conference fees and will not benefit from additional reduced fees.

Please note that each student has to show a proof of their student status on arrival at the registration desk on the 15th to 18th June 2010. If you fail to do so, you will have to pay the balance of the regular fees directly at the registration desk.

To start the registration process switch to the INSS 2010 - registration portal (opend in a new window).


The registration is binding when clicking on Payment using bank account or Pay via PayPal (e.g. using credit card).
We kindly ask in particular all German participants to pay via bank transfer.
Please note that payment at the registration desk is only possible by Visa, MasterCard or cash.

Cancellation policy

On and after May, 1st until May, 31st 2010 50%
On and after June, 1st 2010 100% (no refund)

Please adress further questions to [email protected] .

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